In my Etsy shop: style="font-weight:bold;">

I am going to make a limited edition of prints and can't decide which painting.
Help me choose from these 6?

#1 homeplace
#2- girl
#3- new tricks
#4- straight face
#5- reflection
I can't help you. They are all so wonderful and quite different.
Both girl and secret handshake get my vote!
I like #4 Straightplace.
And also adore this work
I adore your 'New Tricks' piece, i have you as a favorite shop on and if i had the money I'd buy that one. But sadly I'm penniless at the moment, so if that was a print i'd be happy and buy that!!!***
Sorry, Straight Face, of course.
They are all fantastic but I'm loving #6
My number one vote is for #6 - secret handshakes. Close behind by a hair is #2 - girl. I think those two paintings are dramatic, colorful and invite you in for a longer look. Great work all!
two of my kids (10 and 4) both picked "new tricks" one (7) chose "reflection" but I would choose "straight face." i keep hoping my husband will buy one of your pieces for a special occasion like my birthday, but a print would be fantastic, too!
I like #2 and #3 the best...but I would also love "guitar" and "good girl" from your etsy shop as prints!
New Tricks
girl or new tricks :) x
Of these, I'd go for secret handshake - but by far the one I'd most love to see as a print is summertime, from your etsy shop!
#5 Reflection and #6 Secret Handshake.
course I've always hungered for the painting with the girl and cat "upsidedown". :)
#5, she's just so wonderful sitting amongst the leaves.
#6- secret handshake
either 2 or 6
2 > great expression
6> fun & colorful
I vote for "new tricks". But I love them all.
#6 followed by #2....
But it was a tough decision!
secret handshake gets my vote
number four and number six are both so delightful!
Too hard.
First choice ~ #5 Reflection
Second choice ~ #6 Secret Handshake
I'm leaving now, before I change my mind.
I vote for no. 6. but I like them all . You're one of my favorites on etsy and I'm going to feature you on my blog-
I hope that's o.k.
Hard to pick just one! I like them all but I am especially fond of 5 & 6.
oh, i second a vote for "upside down". love that piece!
Reflection and Secret Handshake, and then one of my all time faves of yours, Upside Down (I am sure someone else wrote this one in already, but there is it)...
wow! thank you all soooo much. i can't tell you how much i appreciate this as i am horrible at decision making. i am going to print #6- "secret handshake" for starters. if all goes well i will do more...
thank you again! xoxoxo-jd
Oops, guessed I missed my window... Was going to say #5 reflections, but #6 is pretty awesome, too!
They all are so woderful, but I'm deeply inlove with "new trics".
Love, Schiaparelli and Pinkie Sue
I like #5 Reflection
love them all but I am torn between - Homeplace and Reflection. good luck and I am sure which ever you decide will sell out right away! :)
new chicks and secret handshake!
I love what you do is an art!
I prefer the # 4!
I think I would especially like #5. =)
#1. Absolutely. Please let me know when I can buy one.
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