* Cerasoli Gallery website
* my Flickr.com page : photos from my trip to L.A. for the opening reception
* 944.com : tons of photos from the show/opening
- easy target
acrylic/graphite on panel, 11.5x24" SOLD
- secret handshake (detail)
acrylic/graphite on panel, 12.5x24" SOLD
- rooster
acrylic/graphite on panel, 17x24" SOLD
- catharsis
acrylic/graphite on panel, 12.5x24" SOLD
- sweet tooth
acrylic/graphite on panel, 12x24" SOLD
- reckoning
acrylic/graphite on panel, 24x24" SOLD
- underwear (detail)
acrylic/graphite on panel, 14x24" SOLD
This show looks incredible, your pieces superlatively wonderful! Congratulations.
ReplyDeletehey jennifer,
ReplyDeleteit was nice to meet you in the show.
you got some nice paintings going on there.
gorgeous work : )
ReplyDeleteOh, your work is absolutely lovely, haunting and delicious.